Review: Cast into Doubt - Patricia MacDonald

After reading and really enjoying Missing Child by Patricia MacDonald , I decided to cast a wider net and check out more books by her . Which brings me to the next review of ....
Review: Cast into Doubt - Patricia MacDonald - March 2011
Cast Into Doubt takes us one step further into the world of missing children with this one being focused on someone's Mum and somebody's daughter. Shepley has always wanted the best for her little girl Chloe , so when she gets a promotion at work and  a chance to do something she decides to purchase two tickets for a cruise ship tour for Chloe and her husband Rob and she agrees to pull Nana duty and babysit Chloe and Rob's four-year old son Jeremy. All goes well for the first week until that dreaded phone call arrives, the phone call that all parents hate and wish will never come. It is Rob calling with bad news - Chloe has disappeared and they believe her to be fallen overboard.  So soon will become the search for Chloe and with no help and dead ends Shepley will do everything in her power to discover what happened to her daughter. As secrets are revealed about her daughter Shepley worries that things and stories aren't adding up. Was Chloe killed by someone on the ship and her death made to look an accident overboard ? Did Chloe stumble into something deep or was her death - the horrible case of mistaken identity or something more sinister ?
Find out in Cast into Doubt by Patricia MacDonald, a story that might make you think twice to A) opening your doors to strangers and B) going on a cruise ship into the middle of nowhere.


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