Review: Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Have you been reading the Chemical Garden Trilogy by Lauren DeStefano ?
Been waiting in anticipation to read the third book ?
Today Reader's on The Phantom Paragrapher, I bring you the book we have all been waiting for.
Review: Sever - Book #3 The Chemical Garden Trilogy - Lauren DeStefano - February 2013
I guess since the cover is green , it makes sense to write the review in Green. You know that feeling you get when you know that you are reading the last book in a series - the feeling of being torn because you hope that it will finish the way you want and also that nervousness feeling when you crack open the book or in my case when I push the read button on my ipad. That's what I felt like when I read Sever , it was like it was severing my feelings of the characters and coming to a close of the series. I wondered why they called it this and have a couple of options - is it because she severed her leg at the end of Fever whilst in a state of delirium as we discover at the beginning of Sever , or was it because she tried so hard to sever her ties with Doctor Vaughn Ashby or is there a chance that they may be able to sever the idea of the curse ? In writing this review, I want to write all about the book but at the same time give no spoilers. So readers this is what I will tell you - 1) Cecily has a baby boy called Bowen and is pregnant with her second baby 2) We discover more about Rose's Origins and the fact that to the world Rhine has a whole lot more in common with Rose than just her looks , 3) Rhine goes on a journey to find her brother and recieves surprising results- results that will make her wonder where her loyalties actually lie and 4) Is there really a cure for the disease or not and if so what is the key to curing the world or have the scientists being chased down a rabbit hole ?
To me, in a way this was a great conclusion to the series and I did like how it went, though in parts it did seem to drag a bit and a lot of the twists and turns the characters experienced weren't really nessecary in the whole course of the novel.
What I would like to see and hope for is that maybe Lauren DeStefano will write a Prequel with Rhine and Rowan's parents being the stars and how the whole Chemical Garden came into the play.


  1. The covers of these books are very unique. Thanks for the review!


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