Yellow Rose Bride - Lori Copeland

                                                                          Yellow Rose Bride (Historical Romance)Every now and again, authors are asked to re-publish novels many years later . They can choose to leave the story as originally published like Harlan Coben did with Play Dead or as Lori Copeland has done with Yellow Rose Bride, she has changed the title and added a bit extra pages to the tale.
Yellow Rose Bride was originally published in 1996 under the name of Bridal Lace and Buckskin.

Review : Yellow Rose Bride - Lori Copeland - 2009

This story starts in the year 1865 , the war has just finished and soldiers Teague, PK and El have just killed a family . After a series of disagreements on whether or not to bury the family which is the right thing to do and also to take what is not theirs , the men once home decide to go their separate ways.
Fast forward thirty-three years later , the year is now 1898. The soldiers now have families and their children are growing up and getting married. For Vonnie , today is one of the hardest days of her life as she has to witness the man she once loved and married ,get married to someone else. The reason behind their annulment was their father's long-standing feuds. Adam is about to marry Beth, though not for the reason of love, with marrying Beth comes an obligation -his family will own more land making them own nearly the whole town of Armarillo, Texas. As Adam and Vonnie meet up again, we see that no matter how hard they try to stay apart , their love is too strong . Can Adam and Vonnie be together once again, without Adam hurting his bride-to-be Beth too much and what happens when both families realise what is happening ? How far will each father go to keep their secrets and what happens when the truth of their long-standing rift is revealed ? Will their families and the community of Amarillo look at them in a different light or will they accept what happened in the past and learn to work on mending their friendship they established and lost those years ago during the civil war ?.


  1. Hi Phantom,

    Thanks for visiting my blog! It's always nice to meet another edgy Christian fiction fan. I'm looking forward to reading your reviews.



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